Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Jesus Galilean Ministry Essay Example for Free

Jesus Galilean Ministry Essay Jesus is the one sent by God the Father from Heaven for purposes of redemption of sin and restoration of the lost glory after the downfall of mankind. The four gospel books brings it forth that He is the promised Messiah whose coming was prophesied by prophet Isaiah in Isaiah 9:1-7 (Brown, 1979). He was brought up and began His ministry in Galilee which comprise of the northern regions of Palestine, Sea of Galilee and west of Jordan (Luke 4:14-15). Before he began his ministry, Jesus underwent various activities in preparation of the public launching of the ministry. Among these things include the baptism in river Jordan by the one known to be the â€Å"Voice of the one calling from the desert, prepare the way of the Lord Messiah†. It is after this baptism when the ministry of John the Baptist is no longer seen further in the bible and also the evidenced infilling of the Holy Spirit which enables Him in the execution of the God’s kingdom work (Niswonger, 1992). Jesus Ministry and God’s Kingdom When among the crowds, Jesus used parables which can be said to be wise twisted phrases of teaching but with hidden meaning like the parable of the Samaritan woman in John 4 (Funk et al, 1998). In all the parables he used, there was an intended message that he wanted drive into the followers and the crowds following him (Thomas Gundry, 1988). Healing of the Blind 0717897758 Among the many teachings offered by Jesus during the ministry is the story of the man born blind but healed on the Sabbath (John 9:1-12). From this story, it is clear that many believed that any deformity in a person was the result of a sin committed. Jesus contradicts this acutely in the story and puts it clear that this was purposeful and intended for reasons of God’s work to be seen. This healing raised a lot of concern from the Pharisees who sought an opportunity to persecute Jesus because of His teachings. The healed man openly declares Jesus as a prophet from God something which does not convince the Pharisees of the origin and mission of Jesus as one sent from the Father (God). The Pharisees go farther to enquire from the man’s parents about whether that man was their son. In fear of being chased out of the synagogues, the parents refer the Pharisees back to the man claiming that he is old enough to explain everything. It also raised a difference among the Pharisees some who claim that He is not from God because He keeps not the Sabbath while others are for the view that he is God sent because no sinner can perform the miracles and wonders he did. This serves to show God’s power and ability through the awaited messiah as well as proving the truth in Jesus’ words that He is sent from God. Jesus and Evil Spirits Demons are also seen to give into the command of the power and authority endowed in Jesus. This is depicted by the outright confession of demons in a man during a visit in the town of Capernaum by Jesus. In this case, the demons cry out in total submission to the authority of Jesus and acknowledge Him as the â€Å"Holy one of God, the Jesus of Nazareth† (Mark 1:24). Jesus is seen to command silence among the demons after which the evil spirits vigorously shake the man to the ground and depart immediately. The command by Jesus upon the evil spirits marks the separation of these spirits and the man. The crowds around also noted a difference and see the teachings of this man (Jesus) as one endowed with authority as opposes to those of the teachers of the law. This information is recorded to reach the whole Galilee as the people saw the truth accompanied with authority in work, something highly opposed by the Pharisees (Niswonger, 1992). This act thus advances the kingdom of God as one with power and authority as well as supreme to all other authorities of evil nature. The Calling of Levi The calling of Levi, a tax collector, is another story that focuses on the ministry of Jesus in the elaboration and nature of the kingdom of God. After his call, Levi follows Jesus and prepares a banquet for Him in his house. The fellow tax collectors also came to dine together with Jesus in Levis’ house. The banquet became another platform of criticism from the Pharisees who saw Him dining with tax collectors for they regarded them as outcasts and non candidates of the kingdom of God (Luke 5:27-31). In knowledge of His reason of coming to the world, Jesus answers them by telling them that it is the sick who consult a doctor and not the healthy. With this, He meant that His coming was not for the righteous and blameless but for those in darkness and wilderness of sin and iniquity (Vs 31). This indicates that Jesus came for purpose of redeeming the lost back to the kingdom of God and everyone is welcome as long as she or he is ready to follow and adhere to His commands (Thomas Gundry, 1988). Conclusion In Galilee, Jesus performed various miracles and wonders as well as teaching the crowds in the temple and synagogues (Niswonger, 1992). His ministry threatened much the Pharisees, Teachers of the law and Sadducees who had a lot of opposition. Despite all these oppositions, Jesus did not stop accomplishing the will of the one who sent Him but rather he sees this as fulfillment of the word of God (John 15:25). The crowds made a clear distinction between the Pharisees and Jesus and many are seen to follow Jesus due to the assistance, help, miracles and wonders He performed. At the end of the ministry, He assigns His disciples with one assignment â€Å"Go to the world and preach the gospel of the Lord and tell the people to denounce their evil ways and follow Gods’ righteous way. Also, they were to baptize all believers in the Trinity way† (Mathew 28:16-20).

Monday, January 20, 2020

Hinduism :: essays research papers

Hinduism hinduism The term Hinduism refers to the civilization of the Hindus (originally, the inhabitants of the land of the Indus River). Introduced in about 1830 by British writers, it properly denotes the Indian civilization of approximately the last 2,000 years, which evolved from Vedism the religion of the Indo-European peoples who settled in India in the last centuries of the 2nd millennium BC. The spectrum that ranges from the level of popular Hindu belief to that of elaborate ritual technique and philosophical speculation is very broad and is attended by many stages of transition and varieties of coexistence. Magic rites, animal worship, and belief in demons are often combined with the worship of more or less personal gods or with mysticism, asceticism, and abstract and profound theological systems or esoteric doctrines. The worship of local deities does not exclude the belief in pan-Indian higher gods or even in a single high God. Such local deities are also frequently looked down up on as manifestations of a high God. In principle, Hinduism incorporates all forms of belief and worship without necessitating the selection or elimination of any. It is axiomatic that no religious idea in India ever dies or is superseded-it is merely combined with the new ideas that arise in response to it. Hindus are inclined to revere the divine in every manifestation, whatever it may be, and are doctrinally tolerant, allowing others - including both Hindus and non-Hindus - whatever beliefs suit them best. A Hindu may embrace a non-Hindu religion without ceasing to be a Hindu, and because Hindus are disposed to think synthetically and to regard other forms of worship, strange gods, and divergent doctrines as inadequate rather than wrong or objectionable, they tend to believe that the highest divine powers are complement one another. Few religious ideas are considered to be irreconcilable. The core of religion does not depend on the existence or nonexistence of God or on whether th ere is one god or many. Because religious truth is said to transcend all verbal definition, it is not conceived in dogmatic terms. Moreover, the tendency of Hindus to distinguish themselves from others on the basis of practice rather than doctrine further de-emphasizes doctrinal differences. Hinduism is both a civilization and a congregation of religions; it has neither a beginning or founder, nor a central authority, hierarchy, or organization. Hindus believe in an uncreated, eternal, infinite, transcendent, and all-embracing principle, which, comprising in itself being and non-being, is the sole reality, the ultimate cause and foundation, source, and goal of all existence.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

High school student drop out Essay

The increasingly high rate of school dropout is worrying all the stakeholders in the education sector including parents, teachers and the government. This is because these people are aware of the challenges that will face students who drop out of school. Although leaders have called on communities, families and schools to make efforts to ensure that students remain at school, the rate at which the students drop out of school is still high. It is therefore important that we analyze the problem with a view of understanding it better, so that we may know how to resolve it once and for all. see more:research paper about tardiness The number of students who complete school in the US has been steadily declining over the years. In fact, over the last decades, this figure has only increased in seven states. In ten states, the percentage of students who did not complete school was 8% or higher, which reflects a disturbing trend. US is currently ranked tenth among the countries in the world which have the highest school completion rates. When a country that is considered to be the superpower is ranked tenth on school completion rates, this shows that there is a major underlying problem. Factors that contribute to the high school student drop out rate. Family cohesion and background. This is one of the major reasons why students drop out of school. Students who come from families where there is violence, abusive homes or poor parental relations have higher chances of dropping out of school, compared to those who come from stable homes. This is due to the fact that such children are more likely to have stress and depression because of the problems that they have. They are also likely to start abusing drugs at an early age, which may contribute to their dropping out of school. Statistics also show that children who come from single parent families are also more likely to drop out of school than those who have both parents. This situation is linked to low self esteem as well as problems that children who come from single parent families face. Early pregnancy. Early pregnancy is a major challenge for young girls, and is a contributor to their dropping out of school. This situation is compounded by situations where the young girls’ families are not financially stable, or cases where the boy responsible for the pregnancy is either unwilling or unable to support the girl. Many young girls who face this situation usually take breaks to give birth, but fail to return to school due to various reasons. The girls who are not financially well off are forced to drop out of school to take care of their children, while others fear going back to school due to stigmatization. School violence. This is a factor that is increasingly contributing to the dropping out of school by students. School violence has increased in the recent past, and takes various forms. It might take the form of serious security breaches that involve use of deadly weapons, like was witnessed in the 1999 Columbine high school massacre (Rosenberg 2008). It may also take the form of bullying and harassment of students by fellow classmates. Both these forms of violence have the potential to create fear to actual victims, and may discourage them from attending school. In these cases, there is genuine fear for their lives and they may drop out of school. Employment. Poverty or general unemployment of members of the family may make students drop out of school. This is because the students may be forced to work in order to support their family. In these cases, the students may not have adequate time to study due to the responsibilities that they have. Employment opportunities may not only be available to the students who are not well off financially. Some students come from financially stable families but look for employment opportunities so that they might save money. These students are also likely to drop out of school since it is difficult to work and study at the same time. Psychological or personal characteristics. There are certain characteristics that students may possess, which may make them drop out of school at an early age. These may be either physical or psychological characteristics. Psychological characteristics may include low self esteem, mental illnesses, depression and stress, among other problems. In case students have these problems and they are either not addressed early enough, or these students lack learning facilities that accommodate their unique needs, they are highly likely to drop out of school. According to Kenneth (35-39), students may also face physical disabilities that hinder the learning process. Such include blindness, deafness or other physical disabilities. If such students also lack facilities that can handle their needs, they are also likely to drop out of school. Substance abuse. According to David and Wayne (4-8), students who engage in substance abuse have very high chances of dropping out of school. Students who abuse alcohol or other hard drugs such as cannabis, heroin, cocaine or other drugs are likely to drop out of school. This is due to the disciplinary problems that they are likely to face in school as well as the fact that such drugs hinder the learning capabilities. Such students are unlikely to perform well in school, and this has the effect of demotivating them. They are also more likely to face stress and depression, and all these factors work to increase their chances of dropping out of school. Perceived loss of value of school diplomas. The modern business environment has become very competitive, and this is attributed to globalization. Success in the modern world is increasingly based on merit and job performance. Employers are nowadays looking for very high academic qualification when recruiting employees. In this regards, high school diplomas are generally perceived to have lost value, and students need to pursue further education so that they might get employment opportunities in this competitive business environment. Some students therefore opt to drop out of school and pursue other interests due to this perception. Such interests include drama, movies, modeling or the music industry. However, what most students are not aware of is that one has to have basic education in order to be successful in these fields. High school education acts as a platform for pursuing further education and building a career. Limited number of counselors. Statistics point to the fact that the average number of students who are served by a single counselor is 500. In high school, the average number of students served by a single counselor is 285. These counsellors have many tasks to accomplish and have very little time to interact with students. According to Jill (311-317), students who are about to drop out of school may therefore not find someone to talk to and get advice regarding the situation. This is also compounded by the fact that most of these students have poor relations with their parents, since teenagers and parents usually have communication problems. Students therefore opt to drop out of school due to lack of advice on the consequences of making this decision. Solutions to these problems. Counseling. Most students may reverse their decision to drop out of school if they are advised on the consequences of making this decision by someone that they trust. In most of these cases, counselors are the best people to advice the students since there are young counsellors who understand the problems that these students go through. The government should ensure that there are enough counselors to serve all students. Sometimes students may be depressed and they only need someone to share their problems with. When they are unable to find someone, they take drastic steps like dropping out of schools. Counselors will advise students that education is very important for success in life. Safety. The government and all education stakeholders should also ensure that the school environment is safe for all people. There should be adequate controls that prevent and deal with security breaches, either involving deadly weapons or bullying. Some problems like bullying may appear to be petty and they are ignored in most academic institutions. However they are serious problems that should not be ignored, since they have high psychological impacts on the victims. When students can feel safe in the school environment, they will look forward to going to school to learn. After all, these students spend most of their time in schools, and once they feel that they are unsafe, they are likely to drop out of school. Family problems. According to Gail (211-216), it is evident that family problems is a major factor that contributes to dropping out of school. It is a very sensitive issue considering that there is a limitation to which strangers may involve themselves in family matters. It is however imperative that problems such as violence and abuse are reported to the authorities, and these will be addressed through the relevant laws. These problems cannot be condoned, since once students are not comfortable in their own homes, it will be difficult for them to concentrate in class and learn. Other family issues such as parental and child conflict should be addressed through dialog, either between the school administration and the individual families, or through counseling by qualified professionals. This dialog will enable the underlying problems to be identified and solved, so that the children may stay in school. Early pregnancy. This problem is best solved by preventing the issue, rather than addressing it after it has occurred. The young people should be told about the consequences of early sex, especially unsafe sex. These students should be made to understand that in addition to the risk of pregnancy, there is also a risk of contracting STIs such as HIV/AIDS. However, one a girl becomes pregnant, she should be allowed to stay in school until the time to give birth, after which she is given a break. She should resume school after giving birth, as this is very important. Counselors and parents should play a crucial role in guiding girls who are undergoing this experience. The government should also set up funds to help girls who are pregnant and do not have the resources to take care of the baby, and go back to school. Facilities for the handicapped. The government has a crucial role of ensuring that there are learning facilities that will take care of the needs of students who face either physical or mental disabilities. There should also be enough teachers who have been trained on how to take care of the needs of these students. This will ensure that these students learn just like their peers, and that they have equal opportunities in life. Value of diplomas. The stakeholders in the educational sector have a crucial role to play in publicizing the value of the high school diplomas. There should be regular talks between these stakeholders and the students regarding the issue. Students should be made to understand that although the modern world has become very competitive, it is imperative that they obtain at least the high school diploma. The reason is that the diploma acts as a platform in acquiring further employment opportunities and joining a profession. Employment. The government should enforce the laws that bar the employment of young people who are below the legal age. It should also hold regular forums with employers regarding employment of young people with a view of regulating the hours that they work. The employers should also be made to insist that young employees pursue education, since this will be the platform for promotions and advancement in the careers. This will enable that the young people who work have enough time to study. Conclusion and recommendation. The stakeholders in the education sector should join hands in ensuring the the drop out rate drastically reduces, and that each child knows the value of education. The solutions to the problems that have been discussed above should be implemented, so that this objective may be achieved. Above all, students should be made to understand that the high school diploma is a platform for opportunities in life.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Analysis Of Heart Of Darkness - 1331 Words

Heart of Darkness is about the dark effects of imperialism in Africa; the Englishmen wish to colonize in Africa with the purpose of taking their ivory. Charlie Marlow, who works as a sailor in the company of ivory trading. Marlow meets a man named Kurtz, the best-selling agent, during his journey to the Congo. In Heart of Darkness, the characters Marlow, Kurtz helps portray the theme. Marlow’s actions during his journey to the Congo in Africa develops his personality by revealing his character. When Marlow arrives at the Costal Station, the first company station, he hears of the top agent ivory trader. Marlow also notices that the men the company has cruelly working in undesirable conditions. Charlie observes what the imperialist ideas has done to the natives. As seen in the novel Charlie has many chances to make a difference, but ultimately he â€Å"fails to take a moral stand† (Adelman 60). Charlie realizes that the men working for the company are called criminals by the Englishmen, although in reality, they are slaves. Marlow notices that the Englishmen also call the criminals, â€Å"niggers.† He becomes accustomed to the use of this word, that he incorporates this word in his vocabulary. Marlow says â€Å"The fool nigger had dropped everything, to throw the shutter open and let off that Martini-Henry† (Conrad 41). Marlow has contributed to the imperialistic ideas that have been brought by the white men through his use of this derogatory term. Marlow arrives at the Central Station toShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Fences And Heart Of Darkness 964 Words   |  4 Pagesin America such as racism and poverty. When we read about African American literature in school, we read about empowerment and pride. 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ThisRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Heart Of Darkness 706 Words   |  3 Pages2015 Marlow vs. Willard The stories in the book Heart of Darkness, by Joseph Conrad and the movie Apocalypse Now directed by Francis Ford Coppola are very similar. The main characters in both are similar, but do have their differences, like who they were before they took the job, the settings they were put in, . Before we can compare the characters, we have to compare the stories first. Apocalypse Now was inspired by the story Heart of Darkness. Even though Coppola based his movie off of Conrad’sRead MoreAnalysis Of The Article Heart Of Darkness Essay1598 Words   |  7 Pagessince countability, while very important, can be difficult to quantify. An example regarding the use of the article would be the novel Heart of Darkness. Not having an article at the beginning of this title appears to be more a matter of style than grammar, and also is a characteristic of headlines, titles, and names. So while conventionally a countable noun (such as heart) needs a determiner (the, a, this, or my), not applying this rule could be confusing to an L2 learner expecting an article. 2. perfective:Read MoreHeart Of Darkness Character Analysis977 Words   |  4 PagesSterne once wrote, â€Å"No body, but he who has felt it, can conceive what a plaguing thing it is to have a man’s mind torn asunder by two projects of equal strength, both obstinately pulling in a contrary direction at the same time.† In the novel Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad there are two characters whose minds are being torn in two. One of these characters is the mysterious Kurtz. Kurtz is the commander of a trading post for a corrupt company who trades ivory. While he works for corrupt companyRead MoreAn Analysis of Conrads Heart of Darkness Essay1465 Words   |  6 PagesAn Analysis of Conrads Heart of Darkness In the twentieth century, nihilistic themes, such as moral degeneration, mans bestial instincts at the core of the soul, and cosmic purposelessness, haveRead MoreHeart Of Darkness Critical Analysis1409 Words   |  6 Pagesof his kids and ill wife with. Information about the literary period: The literary period was early modernism. Modernism refers to the forms, concepts, and style of literature in the early decades of the 20th. Characteristics of the genre: Heart of Darkness is a frame narrative, which means a story within a story. The story is seen from the Conrad’s perspective. To some, this story is said to be more symbolic than realistic. Plot Summary: The story starts off with Marlow, a mariner, goes off onRead MoreCritical Analysis Of Heart Of Darkness1107 Words   |  5 PagesSteven Serrano Ms.Leblanc AP Lit 2 25 September 2017   Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚   Heart of Darkness Inner evil   Ã‚  Ã‚   Heart of Darkness, a novel written by Joseph Conrad, tells the story of a character named Marlow, who is recalling his journey to Africa down the Congo River to a group of seamen on a boat. Joseph Conrad’s characters are constructed around the ideas that were present in society when the novel was written. Kurtz and Marlow are created to be naive and to allow action to be the truest medium to characterizeRead MoreAnalysis Of The Article Heart Of Darkness Essay1918 Words   |  8 Pagessince countability, while very important, can be difficult to quantify. An example regarding the use of the article would be the novel Heart of Darkness. Not having an article at the beginning of this title appears more a matter of style than grammar, and also is a characteristic of headlines, titles, and names. So while conventionally a countable noun (such as heart) needs a determiner (the, a, this, or my), not applying this rule could be confusing to an L2 learner expecting an a rticle. 2. perfective:Read MoreAnalysis of the Heart of Darkness Beginning982 Words   |  4 PagesWe are introduced to the novel â€Å"Heart of Darkness†, with the words ‘The Nellie, a cruising yawl’, indicating that already at his early stage in the novel, the reader is able to predict that this will be a book set on a boat, and is likely to involve travelling across sea’s. This prediction can be backed up by the lines in the second paragraph, ‘The sea-reach of the Thames stretched before us like the beginning of an interminable waterway in the offing the seas and the sky were welded together without